San Jacinto College has closed on 57 acres at Generation Park, just across Lockwood Road from the 173-acre FMC Technologies Corporate Headquarters currently under construction.
As a reflection of McCord Development’s commitment to education and desire to show this by providing San Jacinto College with a prominent location to further their mission, the developer donated 3.8 acres situated at the intersection of West Lake Houston Parkway and Lockwood Road.
“We couldn’t be more excited to be a part of what’s going on at Generation Park, San Jacinto College and even more broadly, in northeast Houston,” said Dr. Brenda L. Hellyer, Chancellor of San Jacinto College. “Now more than ever, students are looking for the kind of practical, real-world education that can open doors for them, wherever their life goals take them.”
The rapid growth of new homes and new businesses in and around Generation Park is creating demand for educational opportunities. San Jacinto College graduates truly go everywhere, whether that’s major universities including Harvard, MIT and Georgetown, or thousands of companies throughout Texas.
“San Jacinto College recognized the value of not just our location, but also the benefits of being part of a truly master-planned enterprise park,” said Ryan McCord, President of McCord Development. “We can offer them something nobody else can: direct relationships with world-leading companies who want to work together to develop Houston’s next generation high-tech workforce – particularly in the subsea and downstream energy industries. “
“Generation Park is at the center of a new commercial and residential boom that is happening on the North side of our district,” said Dr. Hellyer. “When you consider what is happening in Houston with the workforce, specifically in oil and gas, we knew we needed to think about the future and how we serve the citizens on the North side of the San Jacinto College District.”
“As Fortune 500 companies continue to look to attract and retain the best employees, workforce training is no longer something that happens in a silo,” said Dr. Hellyer. “We want to be in a place where we can partner with leading companies to offer them graduates with the credentials they need to hit the ground running on day one. It’s a symbiotic relationship that we have cultivated throughout our region, and one that we plan on continuing with the companies at Generation Park.”
“What’s happening at Generation Park with San Jacinto College is a great example of how Harris County encourages public and private collaboration,” said Harris County Judge, Ed Emmett. “The workforce training at San Jacinto College is going to be a tremendous asset to companies that locate at Generation Park.”
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